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If you did not find the answer to your question, contact us.

Where should I go if I want to serve on the 25th a separate Sicheslav Airborne Brigade? arrow

First, you need to contact our recruiting center or fill out the form on this website. After you will sign a written consent to serve in the brigade, it is necessary go to your TCC at your place of residence, where you will be provided a list of necessary documents and will be sent for examination medical commission.

From what age can I join the ranks of 25 individual Sicheslav Airborne Brigade? arrow

According to the legislation of Ukraine, to be mobilized to the ranks A citizen can sign a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine of our country aged from 20 to 59 years.

Is it necessary to have experience of military service or combat? experience? arrow

No, not necessarily. Assault troops have their own training center in Zhytomyr, where you will be trained by the best instructors who have considerable combat experience behind them as in the ATO/OOS zone, as well as during a full-scale invasion of Russia to the territory of Ukraine. Also our paratroopers repeatedly participated in international exercises, where the instructors were from NATO member countries. And those who already have combat experience, but with a break of no more than 5 years, are sent directly to the brigade, where they also constantly pass training and learning.

Are there restrictions on the level of physical training or condition health? arrow

The state of your health is determined directly by military medical commission in the TCC. It is necessary to remember that for according to the results of the VLK, you should receive a note "suitable for services in the State Customs Service". This will mean that you do not have chronic diseases, addictions and injuries that will interfere performing physical exercises. Directly in the military parts are gradually undergoing improvement training physical endurance.

I was convicted of a criminal offense. Can I to join the ranks of the 25th separate Sicheslav Airborne Division brigade? arrow

If the article is "difficult", then you will be offered other types of troops, in addition to DSHV, still at the stage of distribution to TCCs. If the offense was not serious and your criminal record is expunged according to the legislation of Ukraine, you can without problems become part of our team.

What else can get in the way of service in 25 separate Sicheslav Airborne Brigade? arrow

Participation in illegal armed formations, illegal crossing border and other crimes against the state are clearly prohibited you service in DSHV.

Who can I serve in 25 separate airborne units Sicheslav brigade? arrow

The list of departments is in the "Vacancies" section of this website. In general, everything depends on your experience, abilities and skills, and also from available vacancies in the brigade. All these moments are determined at the initial stage with the recruiter, and he is already on on this basis writes you a relation.

Can I count on career growth? arrow

Yes of course. The armed forces of Ukraine in general and airborne assault troops as part of them is a rather flexible mechanism. WITH fighters of our brigade are regularly sent to pass sergeant courses and training at military academies for receiving primary officer rank, if available civilian higher education, at the level not lower than "bachelor". The same if you have the drive and flair, you will have no choice but to go for a promotion.

What financial and material security can I rely on expect? arrow

The 25th separate Sicheslav Airborne Brigade is part of it of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The same monetary and material provision is made in full accordance with the law of Ukraine. Calculate approximately your financial support you can on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Are there cases of non-statutory relationships? arrow

In the 25th separate Sicheslav Airborne Brigade, clearly issues of passing the service are regulated by all by military personnel, are controlled and not allowed cases of violation of military discipline. Instead of you will inspire an indomitable paratrooper spirit, teach them to be persistent landing traditions.